Two Wings Mindfulness video thumbnail of birds flying.jpg

Coaching, Classes, and Retreats grounded in the wisdom of mindfulness principles

Choosing another way to live in a disconnected world

Do you find yourself asking one (or all!) of these questions?

You’re not alone: 

I hear them on a daily basis, from beginner to experienced mindfulness practitioners alike.

“I’m often rushing and can’t get myself to meditate regularly. But when I do practice, I feel so much more alive and self-compassionate – and I show up in my relationships with much less judgment and reactivity.

So why am I struggling to meditate?”

“When life is difficult, I often feel so alone. I don’t want to burden anyone with what I’m going through, so I meditate. It helps to an extent, but something’s missing.

Why isn’t meditating on my own enough for healing, or am I doing it wrong?”

“I’ve been so grateful for my mindfulness practice, both formal meditation and mindfulness in daily life. But recently it feels like my practice has been stagnating.

I should just keep doing what I’m doing, right?”

What is fueling the confusion?  

Despite the widespread modern belief that we should be able to change habits, heal, and grow all on our own, ancient wisdom traditions (and contemporary psychological research!) reveal that this is not how we’re designed as human beings

We are social beings who are not meant to go at life alone, especially when we want to change deeply ingrained 21st century conditioning that’s the result of fast-paced, do-it-yourself culture.

To grow and develop in meaningful ways, each of us needs:

Two Wings exists to support you at this time-tested intersection of intention, tools, and uplifting relationships.

Here are the three main ways to connect with Alison and the Two Wings Mindfulness community.

  • coaching icon for 1:1 coaching with Alison of Two Wings Mindfulness

    Coaching on Zoom

    Connect with Alison 1:1 for:

    - “Your Life is Your Practice, Your Practice is Your Life” sessions 

    - Instructional Coaching for Mindfulness Teachers


  • Group Classes

    Guided by Alison (and sometimes co-led by one of her teammates!), take an experiential class on a mindfulness-based topic that resonates with you.


  • Retreats

    Guided by Alison and often co-led by one of her teammates, immerse yourself in a daylong or weeklong mindfulness retreat to gain greater access to your own inner wisdom and compassion, supported by your fellow participants and the teachers.


Every Two Wings Mindfulness (TWM) space warmly welcomes all of you: 

your level of experience with mindfulness, your questions and ideas, your gender identity, your sexual orientation, your religious and spiritual experiences, your racial and ethnic background, your dis/abilities, your family complexities, your size, your skepticism, your health challenges, your challenges and your joys, your [fill in the blank with all the other aspects of being human!]

 Hi, I’m Alison (or Ali!) Either works!
My pronouns are she/her/hers.

As a kid, I would compose songs with titles like “There are lots of different people in this world.” Since childhood, I’ve been a connection nerd passionate about one question:

DURING a global loneliness epidemic, which practices, perspectives, and relationships help us experience a life-affirming sense of connection to…

  • our inner worlds? 

  • the inevitable ebbs and flows, highs and lows, of being human?

  • other people, including those we view as similar or different from us?

After several challenging years as a young adult, all I wanted was to feel at home in my body, heart, and mind, able to recognize and tend to whatever surfaced with the two wings of clarity and care, regardless of what life threw my way. And that yearning for another way to be led to a deep dive into ancient and contemporary wisdom, including and especially mindfulness and compassion cultivation practices. I’m still practicing two decades later because of the profound shifts that have taken place in my inner landscape, relationships, and beyond. And at each step of the “another way to be” journey, passionate teachers have provided guidance, support, and love—what a gift to be able to pay it forward!

Kind Words

Alison and her teammates often partner with organizations and schools, bringing classes, retreats, and mindfulness-based support to communities and mindfulness practitioners across the globe. 

Some past and present partners:

Contact Alison to discuss partnership possibilities.

The test of meditation isn’t meditation. It’s your life.

~ Norman Fischer

Why Two Wings Mindfulness?

“Seeing clearly and holding our experience with compassion are as interdependent as the two wings of a great bird. Together, they enable us to fly and be free. 

The wing of clear seeing is often described as mindfulness. Mindfulness allows us to see life ‘as it is.’ The second wing, compassion, is our capacity to relate in a tender and sympathetic way to what we perceive.

The two wings of clear seeing and compassion are inseparable; both are essential in liberating us.”

~ Tara Brach